Destructible, or Delectable?

Posted: December 1, 2010 in Early Childhood, Editorial, Elementary School, Middle School, Students
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by Tyrone Whitick, 8th Grade Reporter

When you think of school lunch, what comes to mind? Yuck? Nasty? Dirty? Mmm? Yummy? Can I have seconds?

I surveyed 72 of P.S. 214X students involved in the Morningside/PAZ after school Program on this very issue. Here are the results.

According to the survey, only 26% of the students hated school lunch, 39% liked school lunch, and 35% liked school lunch sometimes—depending on what was being offered.

Mary Ogunji, of class 801, had this to say, “I like the chicken, the chicken fingers, the cheese sticks, the chicken nuggets, the pizza too, but I don’t like the beef patties.” D’ora Crute, of class 702, believes, “If the meat was cooked more, school lunch would be perfect. And, if they got rid of the cheeseburgers.”

Additionally, I polled students on whether or not they thought the cooks received enough appreciation for all their hard work preparing three meals a day for 214X students. All of the students polled agreed that the cooks were underappreciated in our school for their services. Ms. Dorenda Townsend, School Aid, adds, “No kid says thank you to them.”

Lastly, food waste is a big issue at our school. According to Xavier Fernandez, of class 804, “They can stop waste by not eating.”

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